if it’s not fun, what’s the point?

My idea of fun, that is. Like making something completely unnecessarily by myself. And then making it a few or 23 more times until I think it’s actually kind of good. It’s like art, if art were cookies, or hacks for finding car keys, or the perfect name for the perfect cocktail.

Anyway, welcome to my compendium of semi-decent, occasionally helpful stuff! I’m Moira (pronounced Francesca).* I have a real job where I get to help advance better health and equality in the world, so let me be the first to say that none of this stuff really matters. None of it is important.

Except—if it helps you blow off steam and be nicer. Or brings people around a table together. Or brings you or someone who needs it a little joy. Then maybe that’s another way of doing good too.

*Just kidding, it’s pronounced “Mora” for some reason.